The migration advisory market is filled with an array of options from which to source business plans to accompany subclass 188 visa applications. Business migrants have two options; leave it with their migration agents to source the right person to prepare a 188 business plan, or develop one themselves using their own business consultant. Option […]

Pricing the 188 business plan

The migration advisory market is filled with an array of options from which to source business plans to accompany subclass 188 visa applications.

Business migrants have two options;

  1. leave it with their migration agents to source the right person to prepare a 188 business plan, or
  2. develop one themselves using their own business consultant.

Option one can be helpful, especially if the agent is well-versed in understanding 188 visa business plans. Those with the right business consulting background and experience will often choose a strong writer or business consultant to prepare a smart, well-researched 188 business plan suitable for the business migration situation at hand.

Those who don’t have an appreciation for business consulting tend to seek the most cost-effective writer (since the 188 business plan fees are included in their agent fees). Sadly, a cost-effective writer isn’t always the best out there and for the writer’s rates to make commercial sense, minimal input is expected.

Given these risks, many business migrants are engaging business consultants directly to prepare a professional 188 visa business plan to hand it to the migration agent for visa application lodgement. It is extremely beneficial for the applicant if the business consultant is experienced in the Australian migration sector and the 188 visa process.

Applicants will find that they are in a strong position to negotiate migration agent fees when they have their own business planner and related documents ready, as agents are then left with largely administrative tasks of visa lodgement. Applicants are also assured that they receive highly relevant business and market information as new migrants to the country, and can make long term plans that meet their commercial goals as well as 188 visa immigration requirements.

Current trends show that the business plan writing services required for the subclass 188 visa process can be divided into the following scenarios and priced according to the level of consulting work broadly identified.

Scenario A

The applicant has an established business idea and just needs a writer to clearly and professionally present their ideas on paper. All data, information and instructions come from the applicant, who is the investor or the entrepreneur. As consulting work is minimal and technical writing and visual presentation is all that is needed, work that falls under this scenario begins at $3,000 plus GST.

Scenario B

The applicant needs or is open to a completely new, suggested business idea and a plan to be developed from scratch; one that meets their personal preference, situation and the relevant legislative and policy requirements. All information that contributes to the overall business plan regardless of the level of business background of the applicant is carved out as dialogues between the consultants and the applicant evolve. Fees for this level of work usually begin at A$5,000 plus GST.

Scenario C

The applicant has some idea as to their proposed business or investment in Australia but is unsure, needs guidance and direction on whether it is viable, suitable and the right step forward. With some confidence and mentoring the applicant will provide the relevant data and answers to assist in the business plan writing process, with the consultant tweaking and filling in the gaps in a way that optimises the plan from all perspectives. This work can cost between A$3,000 and A$5,000 plus GST, based on the level of consulting and guidance required.

Profile-wise Scenario C is the stereotypical business client, and consultants who ask the right, strategically-timed questions will bring out the best in every applicant to develop an ideal 188 business plan that meets immigration requirements as well as align with the client’s personal business goals.

The above scenarios are broad and the quality of the experience in preparing the 188 business plans will vary based on the quality of the knowledge and experience of its participants. Very often, the acting migration agent might influence many of these business planning decisions on their client’s behalf. Many will do so, understandably, with the focus on what will result in a successful visa outcome for the client. This approach may not always factor in the client’s broader entrepreneurial or investment goals exactly as it might prove to be the case post-visa-approval.

With the increasing need to demonstrate genuine intent in motions that are auditable post-visa-approval, as well as in the name of seeking a much more cost-efficient, time-efficient and commercially-strategic way to receive high value services for their money, business migrants are increasingly engaging 188 visa business consultants themselves.

An experienced business consultant will assist by working in tandem with a migration agent and the business client to create a fulfilling business migration process that satisfies the business client’s commercial objectives in Australia. Approaching business migration this way, the grant of the visa becomes an administrative by-product of a viable business-related plan and its deriving decisions. Demonstrating genuine intent becomes a matter of openly sharing the research data collected throughout the business planning process.

Get in touch with us to enquire about your 188 visa business plan writing needs.