Genuine businesses, positions

As the reopening of economies continues across the nation, it’s worth taking stock of the trends that will define the months ahead.

The spread of the coronavirus represents a perfect storm for business disruption; combining a rapidly evolving threat, an uneven recovery, disparate government regulations and shaken supply chains. The complexity of operating a company during this tumultuous time is unprecedented and the stakes are astronomically high.

While full recovery remains out of reach for the foreseeable future, it is imperative for business owners to develop their reopening strategies now; implement solutions to support employee’s eventual return to work and prepare to recover their operations so they are ready when the time comes.

Businesses with a current (or future) need for skills that facilitate the commercial viability of their operation can use a Genuine Position Statement. Regardless of secondary circumstances, this document first and foremost is expected to demonstrate a detailed, commercial explanation for the appointment of the nominated position. Written by a non-partisan third party market report provider and in a way that conveys a strong understanding of the relevant legislative requirement, this document is expected to offer a powerful and supportive demonstration of the commercial trajectory of genuine businesses, positions.